Thursday, July 31, 2008

RV Adventure! Day Thirteen!

Today was a BIG DAY!!! Lots of fun to be had in Tahoe and we did a lot of it!
Started off the day with a drive to Squaw Valley. We stopped at a park there and the boys had fun playing in the "kitchen" feeding Daddy food, swinging and climbing everything. From there we stopped on the side of the road where we hiked down to the Truckee River (I use the word "hike" loosely, it's not like a mountain but we did go down) where the boys threw "boats" (sticks, leaves, pine cones...) into the water and watched them race away. After that we drove half way around the lake, the boys were napping in the car, so we took highway 50 up to my Grandparents old cabin. No one was home so Neil took my picture on the porch.
We drove back to the Lake (South shore) and rented a boat for the evening (Yeah! I KNOW! pretty cool huh?) Neil drove us out to Emerald Bay (see pics from day .... I dont know, a few days ago) and we stopped to have dinner (sub sandwiches) while Eric slept on the floor of the boat. The boys were a bit hesitant at first but in no time both were driving. Mark did most of the driving (and a LOT of horn honking!) and both he and Neil got in the Lake while Jake flew he flag warning other boaters (though Mark never left the comfort of the ladder, Daddy swam around the boat a few times). Driving back to North Shore we drive through a tunnel (the MUCH anticipated tunnel!) Per Jakes request Daddy did a U-Turn and we ended up going through the tunnel THREE TIMES!!
It was a GREAT day!

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