Sunday, August 23, 2009

RV Adventure 2009! Day Three!

Sunday, August 23
Left San Simeon, Destination: Pfeiffer Big Sur
Before leaving, the boys took a walk around the campground with Daddy while Mommy got things ready to go.
Stopped along Hwy 1 at Jade Cove, Mark and Daddy hiked down.
Got in to Big Sur around 2:30. Our site was HUGE, Shady, lots of dirt for the kids to play with (site 95 for anyone interested in going sometime).  We walked about 50 yards to the river and the boys played, the on the way back to our site we stopped at the camp store and got some ice cream!
Neil made a fire and Mark and Eric roasted marshmallows while Jake made a train track "upstairs" and I cooked dinner.  We ate dinner by the fire, played in the dirt some more (it really is amazing how dirty a little boy can get, they will literally pour it on their bodies) then back inside where Mark and Daddy played some memory.

Jade Cove

hike down to Jade Cove

Mark and Eric roasting Marshmallows


Jake playing upstairs

dinner time

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